Limited Immunity

Journal Page
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Journal Page

Want to know whats going on? Look here!

Hey guys its Mike. Its been a long summer and the band is taking a break from conerts for right now. We have great news. We just got a new member of the band. Her name is Jill. She has been a friend of mine for quite some time and she will be in the band as co-singer and keyboardist. The band is taking time to teach Jill the songs and will be out with a new Demo/Cd and be ready to play at new

school venues and local venues.


Hey guys! Its Mike. We just finished playing our first gig at a graduation party. We are very happy we had an opurtunity to play and get our name out there while making money. It was a fun experience. The band is now getting ready to record and make a Demo/CD kind of thing. It will be on sale at the rest of our concerts from now on. We are making are way across marlborough so keep your eyes and ears open! thanks guys! 



Hey, its Dave I'm the new Member of Limited Immunity.  I will be Playing the Keyboard.  I'm also the Manager and was before I was a member.  Anyways we have some upcoming shows There is one May 29th at Mike's House.  We are playing a Party June 22nd.  Also the First anual Dewfest is coming up on June 24th at Trais Desimone's house at 32 Clarcke Drive admission is Some Mountain Dew as far as we know right now.


Its Mike, The band is soo exicted. We now have all of the equipment we need to start playing shows. We just received the new PA and microphones in the mail today and we are ready to rock and roll! We are having a practice tomorrow, to brush up on our songs and finish some new ones. As of right now we have "Days Like These", "I Found Her in California", "Invincible Man", "The Lunch Song", and one in progress. After we finish these songs and we have them all under our belt perfectly, we will start focusing on covers. Need a band to play at a party or show? We are ready to be booked and the summer is already filling up fast. We have two shows planned already. One in late June and another on July 30. Contact the band on our email adress or call Mike at 508 481 3443. Rock on guys.




Hey guys ... its Frank!!! Yes I have returned from Florida, and just got back from an awesome practice at Dave's house. Although at first it looked like it was no going happen, we pulled it together and got a lot accomplished. We did have some problems with the sound and recording, but we did manage to come out with an awesome version of our song “Days like these". I am sure that will be up soon and u will be able to listen to it. Ha-ha, please remember or temporary recording problems, we hope to soon buy some stuff to help us out. So, keep checking the site for new media and pictures, and we will keep yah posted.
